Blog | 51 - Double Exposure

March 09, 2018
Freelance Photographer in St Ives Cambridgeshire: Food & Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography & Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography & Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. Professional Photography Services in St Ives, St Neots, Huntingdon, Bedford, Peterborough & Cambridge.    
Page Title Artwork – Blog. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.Blog Page Title Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.Blog Page Title Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.  

Page Artwork - bokeh photographic 35mm Film Logo. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic 35mm Film Logo Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic 35mm Film Logo Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.

   Alistair Grant 

Freelance Photographer Cambridge & London


bokeh photographic: Blog No: 51

 Freelance Photographer Cambridge Blog Image | Blog 51 | Double Exposure (A girl takes a photograph with a smartphone against a bokeh light background. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer; Food & Drink Photographer; Commercial Photographer, Product Photographer & Packshot Photographer; Event Photographer; Portrait Photographer; Corporate Photographer & PR Photographer; Engagement Photographer & Wedding Photographer and Photography Training Courses, St Ives, Cambridge.Blog 51 – Double Exposure (A girl takes a photograph with a smartphone camera against a bokeh light background) | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.Blog 51 – Double Exposure (A girl takes a photograph with a smartphone camera against a bokeh light background by Alistair Grant. Food & Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography & Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography & Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.

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  Page Artwork - bokeh photographic About The Blog Logo. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic About The Blog Logo Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic About The Blog Logo Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.
  Page Artwork - bokeh photographic Latest Blackboard Logo. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic Latest Blackboard Logo Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.bokeh photographic Latest Blackboard Logo Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.
  Page Artwork - bokeh photographic Booking Enquiries Blackboard Logo. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic Booking Enquiries Blackboard Logo Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.bokeh photographic Booking Enquiries Blackboard Logo Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.
  Page Artwork - bokeh photographic Mailing List Blackboard Logo. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic Mailing List Blackboard Logo Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.bokeh photographic Mailing List Blackboard Logo Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.

Double Exposure

We are all photographers these days thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones. It's somewhat ironic that telephone use lags far behind use of apps - the most utilised feature of smartphones - with camera functions a close second. Despite the popularity of snapping away on smartphones consumption of images has decreased. Perhaps it’s more accurate to report that consumption has become more transient in nature. Despite the efforts of Facebook's ‘On This Day’ feature after fleeting front-line visibility on social media platforms most of the estimated 1.2 trillion photographs taken in 2017 are now effectively ‘orphaned’ somewhere in cyberspace. The numbers are staggering: an estimated hundred billion more photographs were taken in 2017 than in 2016 and of the 1.2 trillion images 85% were shot using a smartphone. Somehow all of this feels different to the old shoebox full of prints in the loft or the photograph album tucked away at the bottom of a drawer. Some may recall the shoebox or album being dug out from time to time for family and friends to reminisce over or perhaps your parents showing your new girlfriend/boyfriend highly embarrassing childhood pictures. This doesn’t happen with digital images.

Given the prominence of smartphones it is inevitable that I frequently come across people taking pictures with their smartphone when I am shooting Event Photography or maybe when covering a wedding. I usually take a photograph of the person with the smartphone taking a photograph – a double exposure if you like. This often makes for an interesting composition. Moreover, it tells something about what people considered noteworthy. Snapping a pic of somebody snapping a pic of the bride & groom or a panoramic vista is an absolute given but sometimes the shot of a shot is less scripted: maybe somebody asleep at an inopportune moment or an unscheduled appearance by the local wildlife. However, I also take photographs of people with smartphones taking photographs for a different reason: the actual image on the smartphone screen. Because of this I am drawn to taking photographs of people snapping away on smartphones far more than people with a camera where the screen image is generally not visible. Why the fascination? When snatching a brief glance at a smartphone screen in the midst of a busy shoot the images appear really good which, from the perspective of a professional photographer, always induces a brief bout of anxiety. I know from speaking with several colleagues that I am not alone in experiencing this.

Of course I’m not about to write-off professional photography. I should perhaps stress ‘brief glance’ and ‘appear really good’. The anxiety is short lived. In truth, almost any image looks decent on a small screen. Although the technical reasons are beyond the scope of this blog even high megapixel smartphone images are disappointing when enlarged. Along with sensor size one major physical limitation to image quality is optics. To minimize space most smartphones don’t incorporate optical zoom lens so (despite what manufacturers claim) zooming-in results in pixilation as the image is electronically enlarged. Although recent smartphone releases have incorporated dual RGB and either IR or monochrome cameras to improve matters where scene dynamic range exceeds camera dynamic range, most R&D is concentrated on post-capture software suggesting that we are currently at an impasse in regards of hardware development. Additionally, the inability to adjust camera parameters and swap lenses means that although smartphone technology is gradually evolving, smartphone cameras are still best reserved for shooting relatively still subjects in good light. However, it’s not all bad. Whenever lugging around heavy kit I always envy the portability of smartphones!


Call Alistair Grant on 07775 365507, Email [email protected] or click Booking Enquiries if you have any questions or would like to make a booking.


bokeh: "the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens"

Freelance Photographer offering Food & Drink Photography Cambridge; Commercial Photography Cambridge, Product Photography Cambridge & Packshot Photography Cambridge; Event Photography Cambridge; Portrait Photography Cambridge; Corporate Photography Cambridge & PR Photography Cambridge; Engagement Photography Cambridge & Wedding Photography Cambridge and Photography Training Courses in Cambridge. Also covering: Huntingdon, St. Ives, Ramsey, St. Neots, Peterborough, Bedford, Stamford, Newmarket, Sawtry, Alconbury Weston, Brampton, Hartford, Warboys, Houghton, Wyton, Godmanchester, Hilton, Hemingford Grey, Hemingford Abbots, Fenstanton, Whittesley, Yaxley, Needingworth, Somersham, Chatteris, Ely, Bar Hill, Grafham and Buckden.

  Page Artwork - bokeh photographic Back to Page Top Arrow Blackboard Logo. © bokeh photographic (Alistair Grant): Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London. bokeh photographic Back to Page Top Arrow Blackboard Logo Artwork | bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer in Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Bedford, St Neots, St Ives and London.bokeh photographic Back to Page Top Arrow Blackboard Logo Artwork by Alistair Grant (bokeh photographic). Food & Drink Photography, Food Photography, Drink Photography; Commercial Photography, Product Photography and Packshot Photography; Event Photography; Portrait Photography; Corporate Photography & PR Photography; Engagement Photography and Wedding Photography and Photography Training Courses in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and across the UK.

bokeh photographic - Alistair Grant | Freelance Photographer | Cambridge, London, UK

Food & Drink Photography | Commercial Photography & Product Photography | Corporate Photography & PR Photography | Portrait Photography (inc. 'Active Portraiture', 'Naturally You' & 'Poptraits') | Event Photography | Engagement & Wedding Photography | Photography Training Courses & Camera Tuition | Videography & Film Production

Tel: 07775 365507 | Email: [email protected]